If you are doing any type of business online that requires you to have a website, then you need to pay attention to this....

Unless you have your website set up a certain way, you are most likely going to be targeted for a major lawsuit that could wind up costing you thousands of dollars.

Possibly even 10’s of thousands.

See, right now there are some very greedy lawyers and underhanded individuals who are taking business owners to the cleaners with a bunch of frivolous lawsuits aimed to get those same lawyers a quick payday.

It’s like the ambulance chasers, but for the internet.

And unfortunately, it’s costing tons of businesses $50,000 on average to fix this issue.

So what am I talking about.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires businesses to make accommodations for people with disabilities.

Web content should be accessible to the blind, deaf, and those who must navigate by voice, screen readers or other assistive technologies.

A historic supreme court judgment last year caused a surge in websites owners being sued for non-compliance with ADA.

More than 10,000 websites sued in 2019 for their website not being ADA compliant. This number is expected to hit 100k by next year - 2020.

If you business is based in the US or you have customers in the US, then you should take this serious.

Most business/website owners sued pay between $20 - $200k as out of court settlement. A recent settlement was $6m.

Businesses have spent an average of $3k - $50k to get their website fixed. (HUGE OPPORTUNITY - You can charge above $1k per website x 400 million websites online for this= $400 billion.)

The Good news- to know how to overcome this issue before you get sued...

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