How I Earn N200,000 to N500,000 Monthly Working Part-time as a Freelancer and How You Can Do Same Even If You Do 9 to 5 Job....

Check Out My Recent 2019 Monthly Earnings Below

                                                                                  $732 (N263,520) Earned On March 2019

                                                                                  $1,132 (N407,520) Earned On April 2019
                                                                                  $620 (N223,200) Earned On May 2019
                                                                                  $904 (N325,440) Earned On June 2019
Even though I work as a freelancer on Fiverr on part time basis I still earn way over 200k monthly, as you can see from the image above.
Incase you are coming to this website for the first time...........

My name is Godfrey Elabor, CEO, Elabnet Innovation: a digital marketing firm that is duly registered with CAC with office Situated at Obehi Plaza, 4 Adisa Akintoye street, Ketu, Lagos.

Am a full time Digital Marketer, Online Business coach, Importer, Entrepreneur and Awesome Husband/Super Dad.


I have been making money on fiverr since 2010 and this has earned me lots of accolades like the one you see below: 

As you can vividly see in the image above. I was featured in the Prestigious Magazine; SUCCESS DIGEST. Nigeria's number one multiple stream of income Magazine known only within the circles of Internet Money Makers in Nigeria.

If you know how prestigious this Magazine is and how strict the publisher of this Magazine is, you would understand that, you must have done a great job and proofed everyone beyond reasonable doubts before they could published you for FREE in their Magazine.

My story was published wayback in July 29 - August 4, 2013 Edition after I excel on Fiverr and my diverse Internet Money Making Businesses.

My story was also published on Thenation website, September 17 2014 to be precise, after I and my students made millions of naira from freelancing (Fiverr).


Before Journalist from a reputable newspaper like TheNation can leave their office to come interview me in my office then you know they must have done their research to know that I am the go-to person when it comes to making legitimate money via freelancing.


Enough about me now let's talk about you.


Do you like this kind of scenario where life is good and you are happy because you know EVERYDAY you have money coming in by doing just few minute work online....


If you like that, which I know you do then count yourself lucky to be here right now because am going to show you the same online Business that is helping so many Nigerians and people all over the world to breakthrough financially.


Do you know to Get Rich is not hard at all, all it requires is for you to offer value then get money in return.


But the problem is most people think they don't have anything valuable to offer but that is a very wrong notion.


You can always learn new skills then use it to render service and get paid for it.


To make legitimate money online you need to sell a product or offer your skill as service.


One of the best ways of making money online is by solving other people's problem.


You solve people's problem and get paid for your help and expertise, that is how it works in this world.

Dangote collects your money and give you salt to add taste to your food, Food problem solved.

He also collect your money and give you cement to build your house, Housing problem solved.

Mike Adenuga collects your money and give you airtime or data, Telecom problem solved.

Ay (Ayo Makun) collects your money and make you laugh, Entertainment problem solved.


That is how legitimate Billionaires and millionaires make their money and is same way all over the world.


Companies and individuals need people to help them solve their Business problems, hence they have to hire someone to help them solve these problems.

Business Problems ranging from:-

Graphics design to digital marketing to video and animation to content writing, visual assitants e.t.c 

Unlike before when people get employed for this kind of jobs, times are changing and lots of people are losing their jobs.


Because these problems can easily be solved on the internet for a lesser amount without paying salary to someone to do it.


Internet has made the world to become a global village; where someone in Tokyo can get someone in Nigeria to help them solve their business problem without even seeing each other.

This is where freelancing on Fiverr comes in, they give you the opportunity to solve other people's problem while you get paid for your skills and expertise.

The best part of it is that you solve problem for people from all over the world.

What am about to teach you here are the exact skills that I have learnt over the years and am using the skills to solve people's problem on fiverr.


I render this skills as service on Fiverr and I get paid for it, if you watch my Fiverr video below you will see that I get paid everyday in multiply folds.



 Check out some of my upcoming earnings below for July 2019

These are just simple skills that anyone can do, for you to be reading this page right now that means you can do it.

If you are willing to learn this simple skills and make money for yourself for life then am ready to teach you.




Freelancer Success Guide (FSG)

Freelancer success guide is a video course that will help you become a Fiverr veteran like me, making money all the way by rendering simple freelancer services on


Here are what you will be learning from the course:-


 The exact services that I render on Fiverr that can earn you over 200k monthly, you will learn the exact skills and how I use this simple skills to deliver services and get paid daily on Fiverr.

 How to open and register a money popping fiverr account and the secret strategies that I use on my fiverr profile information that attracts buyers like magnet (this will WOW you).

 How to rank your fiverr gigs for fiverr editors massive impression; before you can start making money on fiverr people have to see your services, I will show you how to get fiverr editors to do this for you.

 How to create call-to-order banners within 5 minute on your pc to get orders rushing into your Fiverr account like tap water. ( You can do this on your computer)

 You will learn the exact promotion strategies I use to promote my fiverr services that brings in massive orders ranging from 10-20 orders daily (with this you will never go broke again)

 How to withdraw your money from fiverr and get it right here in Nigeria. ( I will show you how to get FIVERR REVENUE ATM CARD to withdraw your fiverr earnings from any ATM machines right here in Nigeria)


As if all the above is not enough


You will also get some extra package that I will not like to mention here.


Feed your eyes with the Freelancer Success Guide (FSG) Video course image preview below

The Freelancer Success Guide (FSG) video course consist of 15 straight to the point videos.


The videos are easy and straight to the point, no parambulating, do this, do that, click this and click that, is so easy like that.


After getting the course if you have any issue or need any assistant just call or Whatsapp me on 08066047640.



How To Get Freelancer Success Guide (FSG)


Let me tell you something already known....


There are lots of people parading on the internet as freelancer experts who sell video course or claim to teach people how to make money online while in real life most of them have not even made a dime online before and what happens when this set of people teach you Freelancing? your guess is as good as mine...


I have been teaching how to make money from freelancing for a very long time, I give you step by step procedure that will guide you till you start making money everyday and also give you additional support.


One of the many things that distinguish me from others is the level of support I provide to my proteges, you can see some of their testimonies below.





I have made more than a million naira since I started Internet Business....

"Godfrey Elabor is my online business teacher, mentor and advicer, I have made more than a million naira since I started internet Business, Is very good to learn from people like him, When they are talking about learning from a guru I RECOMMEND GODFREY ELABOR"

- Adeyemi Oluwaseun, Lagos, 0807644XXXX

Earned over N550,000 and still counting...

"Godfrey Elabor is a Godfearing man and a unique mentor who devotes his time to his students. He teaches his student the latest and hot selling gigs on Fiverr and other biz for you to earn,I employed Godfrey's strategy and have earned over N550,000 and still counting"

- Adedokun Festus, Reside in Ilorin but school at Minna, 0706082XXXX

If I charge you N100,000 then is a better deal because the skills you will learn from this video course is something that will change your life and become part of you forever and the services you will be rendering on Fiverr and even outside fiverr will also make you one of my competitors because I offer same services too.


But you won't pay N100,000.....


How about I charge N50,000........ No I won't charge that for now..


Because I want you to get started right now and start earning online legitimately...


I will charge just N24,999 for this Freelancer Success Guide right now.


You can see the countdown below, after some hrs the price will change to a higher amount, so get it now.

This Offer Will Expires In:

Pay the Sum Of N24,999 via Bank Deposit or Internet banking using the account details below.

 Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank

Account Name: Elabnet Innovation

Account Number: 015 414 1067


You can also pay with your Bank ATM Card Securely Via Interswitch.

Just Click the button below.

Note: After payment: send an email with Title "Freelancer Success Guide", with your payment details and phone number to [email protected]

After payment confirmation which doesn't take up to 30mins I will Instruct my Secretary to send the Video Course to your email.

Don't miss this opportunity
Prince Godfrey Elabor
CEO, Elabnet Innovation
PS: If making legitimate income online is your aim then this Course will fast track your success.
P.SS: Don't be surprised if you come back to this page and see that this Offer is closed or amount has increased, I don't want too many competitors so take action now.
P.SSS:  Wise people don't procrastinate they take action whenever they see opportunity, only fools procrastinate and keep living in penury. which one are you?

Copyright © 2019. Elabnet Innovation. All Rights Reserved.

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