"New Financial Secret Shows How You Can Earn Big Commissions In $$ On Autopilot Using The World's First Decentralized Market System… 

New financial opportunity for any Average Nigerian who wants to make money despite the falling economy… 

"Finally! You can now earn legitimately in dollars from the comfort of your house and get paid into your Naira account daily without breaking the bank... "

…you earn recurring income for life without stress while our automated system does most of the work for you!"

Hello Friend,

The Covid19 pandemic has hit the whole world and Nigeria isn't left out. …And we aren't sure things would get better soon.

In fact, according to the announcement made on the 12th of June, 2020 by the Vice president of Nigeria, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo… 

"...unemployment rate might rise to 33.6% or 39.4 million people by the end of 2020, if we fail to take prompt preemptive measures… Millions more will fall into poverty before the pandemic ends"Prof. Yemi Osinbajo (This Day Newspaper report, June 12,2020)

This means, lots of workers would have lost their jobs by the time all of this is all over.. 

2020 ends in a few months time…

If gaining financial stability and generating money in $ is one of your goals this year 2020,

…then pay attention, cos this is the most life-changing letter you'll be reading in 2020... 

Not only because what you're reading would change your finances totally… 

But you're about to discover the world's first Decentralized system of making money on autopilot… 

Even in your sleep. 

You work from home or any location of your desire as you watch your account grow with earnings. 

While our support matrix system does most of the work for you

…Using Ethereum Smart Contract System. 

You'd agree with me that one of the things stopping you from making serious money is… 

You're getting an inconsistency of income right now…

Everyday the Naira crashes against the dollar and makes running a business difficult day by day. 

By the time of writing this, the dollar is currently at #501/$ which is a 50% increase of what it was a month ago.

With this, businesses which depend on buying and selling with the Naira are greatly affected. 

Workers salaries aren't enough to feed themselves any longer. 

Every citizen is getting hit by high prices of infrastructures and bills.. 

Including you, dear friend. 

What does this mean?

…Meaning by the end of 2020, earning in Naira would be almost worthless…

How does this affect you? 

You need an escape route… 

A source of income that isn't affected by the fall of the Naira or Dollar… 

…nor by the decision of those in power of the economy. 

That's why we decided to build a system that meets all these criteria… 

Infact, using this method, you only trade on the world's most secure digital asset…  


Which means your business is secured from unstable economic situations and policies. 

That's the first step. 

We want to make sure your business is safe. 

Then we also realised that starting a business can come with uncertainties… 

Infact, it has been stated that starting a business in Nigeria is X3 tougher than what it used to be. 

There is massive competition on every side. 

Plus, in your first year, you're not sure of making profits.. 

That's why we decided to tackle that also. 

…Now tell me, How does it feel having a 99% hitch-free business?  

❌ How does it feel having a business that guarantees you're not affected by what the average business man out there suffers. 

❌ To make it better, you're not stressing out yourself. 

❌ You're earning passively.. 

❌ Trading with one of the safest currencies in the world. 

❌ And cashing out daily… 

This has been the testimony of over 2Million people currently using this system… 

And you're about to find out how you can take advantage of this system today… 



This is the first ever self-executing decentralized blockchain smart contract business opportunity… 

Now, Pay close attention at this point… 

Cos I'm about to give you a run down detail on how this system works….

…Once you get it, it would make a whole lot of change in your finances... 

Forsage is built on the Ethereum protocol, blazing its own path in terms of popularity and demand.

By Ethereum protocol, It means you earn and gain  in Ethereum(cryptocurrency)... 

…which is later paid to your Ethereum wallet and then straight to your bank account in Naira. 

You get it? 


Once you come into Forsage, you are given two options?

The Forsage X3 & Forsage X4 

For quick profit and quick acceleration, open your account with  0.35ETH which is around $100, the two options open up to you simultaneously which x3 level  1 to 3 and x4 level 1 to 3 . That's how the 0.35 Eth is splitted. 

Now, Let's talk about what happens to you on your Forsage X3 Option…

On the Forsage X3, you have to get three people under you(downlines) to fill up the first line. 

Now, don't be scared… 

Getting 3 people to partner with you isn't a problem…

This isn't the usual network marketing where you have problems getting partners or downlines… 

I gave up on Network marketing a few years ago because I was a shy person… I still am. 

But Forsage makes it way easier for you without stress. 

We have a lot of large Forsage teams worldwide and everyday at least 2000 people join the Forsage train. 

Take a look… 

That's just one out of thousands of Forsage teams nationwide. 
People are joining every day and the right time for you to join is now. 

As you can see from the chat, once you come in, hit the ground running without stress.

…Meaning, you start earning immediately or a few days from joining… 

Sounds unbelievable, right? 

Yes, I thought so too.

It took me a long time before joining… 

That's because I hated anything that had to do with network marketing and getting people.. 

But after so much push by my friends and seeing their earnings, I decided to join and they gave me necessary support that i needed to get my first 3 people and i got them that same day 

And when I did.. I was angry… 

I was angry at myself because I took so long to be a part of this amazing business. 

I don't want the same for you…

…that's why I'm sharing this with you right now. 

If you take this business seriously, you can be making between $500 to $1000 dollars everyday …  

Check Out The Image Below To See  What One Of Members Who Joined 6 weeks Ago is making 

That's $130,000(N59,000,000) in 6 weeks. 
meaning is making nothing less than $2400(N1,100,000) every day 

We have lot of people that are  making it big from this business. Check the image below 


All you need is have a strong team and you're on your way to massive earnings more than you can imagine. 



And yes don't bother about how to get a good team, by reading this, you're on the right track already. 

There are also other ways to earn from Forsage and these are  :

  • Through Spill-Over…
    Through Overflow  .
    Through Overflow from the top

With the Spill-over and Overflow options… 

…You can get massive spillover from the people that is above you and the people that is below you.

Spillover equals to money… 

…Isn't this amazing?! 

That's the amazing thing about this system.

You keep earning into your Ethereum wallet and withdrawing into your bank account… 

Wow! This is the best investment so far…How do I Join Forsage and Start Earning Immediately?…

To join Forsage with our winning team, you need a minimum of $100  or even more in other to position yourself very well for the massive inflow of money 

Once you make this payment, Your Forsage X3 and Forsage X4 Channels of income starts blazing with hot fire . 

we will teach you the exact method that our team are using to get downline fast … 

…and earn money over and over and over  

Meaning at this point, you have nothing to lose.. 

…and you have everything to gain for as long as whenever! 

This is the first of its kind.

How Safe is Forsage and how can I be sure my money is safe upon investment?

Forsage works on a decentralized system. 

Meaning, there's no centralized location of any of your funds that can be hacked and manipulated. 

Even the creators of the project can't cancel or change  the rules… 

…nobody can take your money or limit your earnings. 

Because of this, you can confidently grow your business and your growth is not limited by the risk of an ordinary project. 

Your earnings belong to you and they cannot be touched or manipulated.

What Makes Forsage more lucrative and different from MLM/Network Marketing?... 

If you're familiar with MLM/Network Marketing, you might be aware of the failures, scams, or shutdowns associated with them.

In most cases in these MLM opportunities, you're asked to sell the company's product just to be able to earn.

This comes with a lot of limitations.

And in other cases, you're left alone to bring downlines.

This is why a lot of people into these MLMs find it frustrating.

While only those at the top make money, those below suffer with little or nothing.

They are frustrated because they are tired of talking to people just to get referrals.

If you have anyone into these MLM business, or if you've ever been there, you'll understand what I mean.

To make it worse, you get paid in a constant Naira value.

Without putting into consideration that what you bought with #5000 last year can't be bought for the same amount today.

But Forsage comes as a permanent solution to those problems.

You have a strong network of people who's large earnings depend indirectly on your group.

So you come in and everyone wants you to win.

So it's a win-win situation for you and your team members .

It allows you work from home or any location  you desire as you watch your account grow with crypto earnings.

Crypto(ethereum) increases in Naira value daily.

Meaning you get richer daily no matter the fallen state of the Naira.

Once you join, you continue earning residual ETH income with the program based on the little effrot you put .

Here's what a few people have to say about Forsage

Why do I have to Join Forsage today and what do I have to lose if I don't?

Let's be real, if you don't join this current moving financial train, you won't lose your life.

In fact, you'll still be a loyal Nigerian who wants to make more money.

But the truth is, ambitions don't pay your bills.

Now, imagine this,

Let's say you click the "Register Now" button

You'll be redirected and registered immediately today with $100 or more 

Instantly, you get into a team of hyperproductive achievers.

From what you will learn from the team,  you'll get 3 loyal team members too.

The payments from the system  goes to your bank account…

You profit and keep profiting from this system, spill-overs and overflows.

How does this sound?

Awesome, right?

The choice is yours, dear friend.

You have a mega financial opportunity in front of you…

The question is: What are you going to do about it?

What's your long-term financial plan?

Do you see yourself earning as high as $100,000 or more in profit alone?

Do you see yourself traveling the world and getting paid while doing so…

…without bothering about money or the economy crumbling.

Do you want to build a wealth stream your children would benefit from at no cost.

If your answer to this is "Yes", then click the button below…

With just $100 or more  which can be gotten back in no time..

…plus $$ in profits every day for life.

Let's help you build generational wealth…

See you on the inside :)


Our team is the fast growing team in Nigeria, We have people that have made over $100,000 in less than 6 weeks of joining this program
Once you join our team, you will have access to necessary group where you will meet serious minded people that are making it big from this business
We have a goals in our team and our goals is to make sure every member make money and we need to work together to make it happen 
 We are going to create a website for you to promote your forsage business. 
We are going to teach you the best place to get people that will join your forsage business
We are going to teach you the best way to advertise it via facebook ads 

We will make sure you achieve  your goals unless if you dont want to make money 

And lot more that we cant reveal here




I really want to work with you so that you can start making money from this business and i really want us to chat on whatsapp so that i can put you through on how to sign up and and start making money from this business.
All you need to do right now is to chat me up on whatsapp for me to guide you.

Chat me up right now on this number ==>> 

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